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Category: Tips on Beginner Photography

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Marketing Question

What is the most economical and effective way of marketing your photo studio?

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January 03, 2005


Cindy K. Bracken
If you have a "day job," I would start there. I booked many portrait sessions that way when I was first starting out. Once people you know see your work, they won't hesitate to hire you. Also, you might consider approaching local businesses and asking to display your work (doctor's offices, children's clothing stores, etc.). Hope this helps. Best of luck!
Cindy Bracken
shuttermom profitable photography

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January 03, 2005


Robert N. Valine
Cindy's answer was very good. Another thing you might want to try is setting up a Web site and printing business cards with your business information and Web site address on it. Business cards are cheap. You will also need some kind of portfolio to show people. They will want to see your work in some way before they will hire you. Get your work out in front of the public any way you can. Remember: "A business with no sign is a sign of no business."

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January 05, 2005


Rhonda L. Tolar
  Be everywhere, every day.
  • Go to children's sporting events, and wear a shirt with your studio name and number on the back. Stand on the sidelines and shoot pictures. The parents will approach you, especially if they think you are taking pictures of their child.
  • Go to the city recreational center, where these sporting events get started, offer to shoot the team pictures.
  • Go to every dance studio in town, and offer to shoot their recitals.
  • Here in Louisiana, Mardi Gras is a big deal. There is a photographer at every ball, taking pictures.
  • Then go to the scrapbooking stores. Offer up some of your prints for them to use in their displays. The customers love pictures, but may not be good at taking them.
  • Go to every bridal store and offer to take pictures of someone modeling their dresses, then make sure they let you put your name on the corner of the pictures.
  • Go to college campuses and advertise in their community room and dorm lobbies. A lot of the students are getting married and are looking for a photographer.
    Hope some of these help spark some ideas for you. Good luck!

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    January 05, 2005


    Tiffany L. Cochran
      Hello Mark,
    Rhonda has some great ideas. Advertise everywhere, all the time. And, build a (portfolio) book for each of your specialties. If you don't have many pics yet, for portraits, get your friends and family to pose for you. And, take your camera with you everywhere. you never know what you might catch!

    Although it can be tempting and affordable on the surface, one thing I would stay away from is phone directory type advertising, including web-based directories (which are typically cheaper). I had to learn the hard way that that type of advertising is very risky. You are typically committed to a contract (especially in print advertising) and have no guarantees. With the number of photographers in most cities, unless you pay for premium space, your odds for exposure are minimal. And, this does not guarantee any calls.

    If you do consider this type of advertising, be sure to ask how many hits your heading gets per month in your directory and the surrounding directories. That will give you an idea as to how acceptable the number of hits is. If they do not give you this information, I would seriously consider other alternatives. To date, I have never made any money off of this type of advertising. even being at the top of my heading with a large ad. All of my business has been through being out in the community, networking, and referrals. And, this has helped me to establish my reputation in my area because I am not just a name.

    Best of results!

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    January 11, 2005

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