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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Night Sports Photography

I have been asked to take pictures of the night high school football games. My action pictures are blurred. I am using a 35mm camera, a 75-200 zoom lens, and 800 film. The camera has settings for landscape (I tried this for depth of field), low light (I tried this because my flash will not light up the entire football field), and fast action (I tried this to freeze the action). Nothing seems to give me the stop action photos I am looking for. What is the correct set-up for lens, aperture, shutter speed, and film ISO in order to take a nice action photo with everyone in focus and no blurred images? Obviously I am a novice at this and am confused with all the technical considerations.

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October 01, 1999 - Jim Miotke

BetterPhoto Member
BetterPhoto Crew: King
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  You are right to leave the flash off and it sounds like everything else you are doing is pretty much on the money. So, if you are not getting sharp images, it can only be one of two things: either your subjects are moving too fast for the exposure conditions or you are moving too much for the exposure conditions. Try a tripod or monopod if it looks like the entire picture suffers from blurriness. Such pictures indicate camera shake as the real culprit. If this still doesn't help, try 1000 or 1600. If will be grainy, but if it works, there you have it.

One last option, if you can leave the program modes like "action" and "landscape" and get yourself into a shutter-priority mode, do it. Set you camera to as high a shutter speed as the meter allows. Maybe this will do the trick.

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September 27, 2001

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