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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Flash Photography

Explain fill-in flash photography using a non-dedicated flash and a manual meter SLR...

Editor: [You seem to be asking How do I get an older manual camera and a flash that is not necessarily designed to work with it, toeffectively operate together to fill in shadows - like those in a person's eye sockets on a bright day. Is this true?]

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October 01, 1999 - Jim Miotke

BetterPhoto Member
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  Being the pragmatic that I am, and being fortunate enough to be able to use a newer camera which does this for me, I don't like to spend a whole lot of time doing readings and calculations to figure out how to light something like this. This is an art and I have the highest respect for its practitioners but I prefer to let the computer do it for me. Sure, some pics will not turn out. However, I can shoot a lot more often this way and that is what I like doing best.

Mastering Flash Photography, by Susan McCartneyNow if you are stuck with this equipment and want to make the most of it - maybe learning about light along the way, I would consult the flash manual or read Mastering Flash Photography, by Susan McCartney....

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