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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Back to School

I'm starting a Basic Photog. class in college and am required to buy a 35mm camera with interchangable lenses. My major is in computer image editing, so I need this class for my major. I will mainly be shooting B/W photos (color later) in many different scenes. I am looking for an easy to use, well optioned camera that can be easily upgraded, and I want to spend around $300-$350 (new or used).

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October 01, 1999


John A. Lind
  Most beginning photog classes require a 35mm manual camera or one that can be switched to manual mode, and one of the lenses must be a *standard* focal length (50mm) lens (not a zoom). Even if not *required* for the class, the 50mm standard lens is the most flexible in utility and exposure range. I use other lenses (wide and tele) less than 5% of the time. There isn't much in general photography that cannot be done with a standard lens. Zooms are always a compromise of image quality and exposure flexibility. They have limitations you will run into if you try to use one exclusively.

Any number of older 1970's and 1980's vintage used SLR's with through-the-lens metering would fill this bill. Some have auto exposure (AE) and all are manual focus. The "classic" student camera is the Pentax K-1000 which was made until just recently! Others within your budget include: (1) Olympus OM-1n, OM-2n, and OM-2s. These were all semi-pro grade cameras; with the exception of ...

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September 27, 2001

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