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Photography Question 

Doug D. Maxwell

Photographing small objects

How do you photograph small objects? Objects that tend to be less than 20 inches. I'm using an Olympus D-450Z to photograph my wife's hand crafted dolls; we run into some problems. One problem is the unwanted background. A second problem is in shooting close-ups, the subject may be off-center. The Olympus does have macro capabilities which we use. The Olympus has both optical viewing and a LCD screen.

Thank you.

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March 14, 2000


q p. w
  I think I may be of help since I have the exact same Olympus digital camera.

Your second problem is easy to solve. The off centering off close-up subjects is due to parallax. Because the viewfinder for the eye is about a 1/2 inch above the lens for the chip, what you see in the viewfinder will be slightly different from what the camera will record on the chip. The solution is to use the LCD screen to locate and center your subject (too much of this and you'll spend a fortune on batteries, so use the LCD sparingly).

The first problem can be solved by: 1.)making sure that you are zoomed OUT as far as possible because your camera can focus at a much closer distance when it is zoomed out than when it is zoomed in. When zoomed out, you can get about 6 inches away from the subject. When zoomed in, you must be at least a foot and a half away to get a good focus. By using LCD, the macro and zooming out all the way, I am able to get a quarter to fill the entire LCD. A 20" doll should not be a problem. Good luck and have fun.

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April 26, 2000

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