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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Using a Grey Card

Hi. My question has to do with exposure. If I wanted to have a correct exposure I would for example have to focus on a grey card. That would mean pressing the shutter button half way. So that means the subject I really wanted to be in focus cannot be since the shutter button was already pressed half way down to make a correct exposure. I hope am I clear. So that's my question. How do I get a correct exposure even though I have to press down the shutter button half way for that and then I can't focus on anything else?

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March 09, 2000


Esther Mishkowitz
  Dear kaila, I hope I understand your question. If I do the answer is as follows: after you take the reading of the gray card you have to set your camera to manual and reset it to the reading of the grey card. You will then have the correct exposure (remember you let go of the shutter button after the reading). You then press the shutter half way for correct focus and then all the way to take the picture. I hope I was of help. Feel free to question again. I too am still learning. esta

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May 17, 2000 - Jim Miotke

BetterPhoto Member
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  Also, some cameras, such as the Canon Elan, allow you to lock the exposure by pressing another button. On these models, you would use this exposure lock button and then recompose after focusing on the point of interest.

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June 07, 2000

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