BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: To Be Categorized

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Taking family portraits

What are the general guidelines or rules to follow when taking family portraits? Who sits, stands and where?

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March 02, 2000


Suzanne Boulanger
  Hi Tammy,

There are no set rules on who sits or stands... I like to collect pictures in magazines, on the internet, etc. to get ideas and then use these as samples. There are many sites on the internet where you can find information. Do searches for photographers and you should come up with some. Good luck!

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June 09, 2000


Mary E. Heinz
  Tammy, I have found several great
articles....actually have my first
"group" session tomorrow/ anyway...
e-mail me @ and
I will forward info to you....

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May 13, 2006

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