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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

FLD filter question

I take a lot of indoor sports photography, and use a FLD filter in those arenas with bad lighting. And in pro sports arenas I don't use the filter because the lighting is acceptable.

My question is, what if I'm am unsure of the lighting at the venue? Will using a FLD filter when the situation does not call for it affect my pictures?


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February 28, 2000 - Jim Miotke

BetterPhoto Member
BetterPhoto Crew: King
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  Yes, Lisa, the filter will unfortunately effect your photo. This is frustrating because it is often difficult to tell which kind of light is being used. When I am unsure or if I fear there is a mixture of various light sources, I try to estimate what kind of light is dominate and filter with that in mind. I note the situation, take a few safety shots (with or without the filter) and then analyze the results.

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March 01, 2000

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