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Photography Question 

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I'm trying to photograph very expensive jewelry (for insurance purposes) and I can't get a decent shot with the amount of detail I'm seeking. 1. - can't get close enough. 2. flash - bouncing off of gold and diamonds. I've tried covering my flash with a Kleenex - that worked sporadically. Got any suggestions?

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February 02, 2000 - Jim Miotke

BetterPhoto Member
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  To get closer, you will need a macro lens (if you can change lenses on your camera) or macro function on your camera. The former is the better way to go and you can often rent a macro lens to try before you buy.

To soften the light, you need to diffuse it like you have done (very creatively and innovatively, I might add). You can bounce the light off of some white surface. You can use more than one light source and angle each so that they are hitting your jewelry at 45 degree angles. Lastly, you can shoot outdoors on a bright overcast day and avoid the harsh light of flash. If you choose the latter option, I assume you will want to hire some guards to keep watch while you shoot ;^)

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March 07, 2000

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