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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Photo Shoots

I just started and now I would just like some good tips.

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January 31, 2000 - Jim Miotke

BetterPhoto Member
BetterPhoto Crew: King
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Going out in the field can be great fun. Here are a few things I have learned to do:
* Schlep a tripod - a few experiences where all your exciting shots of wildlife are just a bit too blurry will convince you it is worth while.
* Use a zoom that at least goes out to 300mm. 400mm is even better.
* Use Fuji Velvia when it is bright enough.
* Bring a shower cap to cover your camera when it gets misty
* Use autofocus - it will pull your batting average up immediately.
More to come... Stay tuned!

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March 03, 2000

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