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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Film Transport

How does the film transport system work and what are some pitfalls?

How do I develop film and print proof sheets? What does each stage do?

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January 27, 2000 - Jim Miotke

BetterPhoto Member
BetterPhoto Crew: King
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  The film transports vary from camera to camera. Some of them - the manual cameras - use a lever and gear system. The more technologically advanced models feature automatic film transport. Most rely on using film sprockets to hold the film in place.

The things that can go wrong are many. If film is moist, it can adhere to itself as it gets rolled onto the spool. If film is jammed for some reason and the user forces the film advance mechanism, the sprockets usually end up torn to shreads.

For a step-by-step on how to develop your own film and prints, I would recommend An Ansel Adams Guide: Basic Techniques of Photography.

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January 28, 2000

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