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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Focusing up close

I want to be able to focus at short distances (2 feet maximum) to take pictures of operative procedures, graphs and charts in journals, etc. and download them onto my computer for presentations. I would think a digital camera would be best for this and a USB connection would be both fastest and easiest. What should I look for to enable the best definition at a close range?

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January 27, 2000 - Jim Miotke

BetterPhoto Member
BetterPhoto Crew: King
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  Many digital cameras offer a macro mode that will get close enough for you. The Kodak DC240, for example, allows you to get 8 inches away.

The USB is a great, fast way to transfer (as long as you are not using Windows NT, which doesn't do USB). Using Compact Flash cards and inserting these into a laptop PCMCIA slot or into an external PCMCIA reader also works well.

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March 19, 2000

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