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BetterPhoto Member

Choosing a slr camera

I have an old Minolta SLR that is a manual. I enjoy using it and find that I like the basic camera functions very much. But.. I've taken a few classes and feel the need to step up. I enjoy landscape photography and close up work on flowers etc. But I'm a bit intimidated by the new fancy camera's and thought I might try and find an older Nikon. But I'm not familiar with the different models. I would want a depth of field preview (which a lot of the new cameras don't offer and I would like a mirror lock up. Cable release is a given and the metering would be nice to have spot and matrix. Auto focus is not a big deal to me. I believe you can do a lot with a basic camera and maybe what I have will do just fine with just adding a 105 macro lens, since I'm limited with my 35 to 70 zoom, no macros that I'm using now for close up. I have tried adding Tiffin lens on the front and so far it has worked ok but I'm finding it's too limiting. I need help.Thanks,Lynne

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January 21, 2000

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