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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

New Business

I find myself starting a business, the latter part of last year. It has not taken off as of yet. So I am trying to fine tune my ability as a photographer. I am trying to think reasonable pricing and yet I know there are wedding photos doing well. Any idea as to where one starts, and charge a decent price? Ask the expert!

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January 05, 2000 - Jim Miotke

BetterPhoto Member
BetterPhoto Crew: King
Contact Jim Miotke
Jim Miotke's Gallery
  I would not take it personally that the business has not taken off; it just takes time for any self-employment situation - whether it be real estate or photography or general contracting - to build up a strong referral base. Photography seems especially hard because you have to mix your artistic skills with marketing skills.

Don't be pushed by your less generous customers into undervaluing your services. Most people think photography is easy at first glance but they understand deep down that there must be a reason why your pictures look so much better than theirs. Stand firm on your pricing. Only make exceptions for those customers you really like; why would anyone want to charge less to work harder with meaner people. However, if your potential clients are honest, friendly, appreciative, and kind, you can give them a discount - but only if they ask.

To determine your pricing in the first place, look at your local competition. Call around for pricing on a wedding or portrait session - whatever services you offer. There are some good books on price stock photography but I am not sure if you will find any on weddings and the like. To see what the local market will bare, do the research and experiment, always erring on the h

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January 28, 2000


Leo Howard

I have found that most businesses do not fail because they are not good at what they do, or they are priced wrong. The majority of business's fail because of a lack of ability to manage a business, as well as being under capitalized.

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June 15, 2000

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