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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Type of camera

I am beginning to look at SLR cameras and know very little about the different types that would be best for a beginner. I am looking at the Canon Rebel 2000and it seems to meet my needs. I was wondering about this camera as well as comparable ones by different manufacturers. Would you recommend this camera for a beginner. Most of my picture taking is nature, people, sunsets etc.

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December 29, 1999 - Jim Miotke

BetterPhoto Member
BetterPhoto Crew: King
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  The Canon Rebel 2000 allows you to get into photography without breaking the bank. Hardened professionals usually look for heavier, more durable cameras but beginners and light recreational photographers will find the Rebel does everything it asks them to do. And it doesn't cost $1000 just for the camera body. I recommend it highly.

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December 31, 1999

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