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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Shooting inside a club

What is the best way to take pictures of a band inside a relatively dark club? What film? What f-stop? What aperture?

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December 28, 1999


Craig W. Baal
  The most important thing in my opinion is very fast film. I develop my own black & white film and I usually use Kodak T-Max 3200 speed or Ilford Delta 3200 for really dark clubs or environments. These two can be "pushed" to even higher speeds if needed. If the club or venue isn't too dark you can use a 400 speed film from the above mentioned brands. If you are taking color shots the fast film rule still applies. Remember though, the faster films will be more grainy. Also, a good powerful flash is very important. I prefer to use flash as little as possible to give the photographs a more natural lighting look, but that's up to you. Aperture and shutter speed will depend on the amount of existing light. Have fun!

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January 08, 2000

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