Nikon N60 camera. At the acquirement of this c..."> Nikon N60 camera. At the acquirement of this c..."/>

BetterPhoto Q&A
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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Zoom Lens Comparison

I currently own the Nikon N60 camera. At the acquirement of this camera this year, I obtained the package which included Tamron 28-80mm and 100-300mm zoom lens. Iam wondering if you would recommend me to exchange for these lens for Tamron 28-300 zoom len?

Is there any difference in performance between two lens (28-80, 100-300) over one len (28-300)?

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December 26, 1999


Alvaro P. Coppieters
  Usually these two lenses together provide results with less distortion and larger maximum aperture than the "super" zoom.

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January 04, 2000

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