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Photography Question 

Joseph OBrien

What kind of camera should I buy?

I'm a student photojournalist; this isn't my career, but I'm undergrad lib. arts, so who knows? Anyway, I've been using the OM-1 my parents bought when I was born, which has worked perfectly until the light meter went whacko (they don't make the right battery for it anymore).

Now I want to "move up" to a "better" camera. The local used camera shop guys suggested something along the lines of an N-90. A customer brought up the F3 and they all agreed strongly. So my question is...

What would be the advantage of something like an F3, F4, F5 over an N90 (or even an older 6006, or the newer 2020?) I could look at stats all day, but I'd love to hear the opinion of an experienced pro.

My only requirements in a camera are
1. 35mm SLR
2. it has to last forever (or at least as long as the OM1... 21 years w/ rough handling)
3. Auto exposure would be nice(Auto focus is a plus, but not necessary)

Thanks a lot!

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December 22, 1999

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