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Wide Angle Lens/External Flash for a Canon Rebel G

What wide angle lens would you recommend in the $200-$300 range for a Canon Rebel G

And what external flash also


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December 07, 1999 - Jim Miotke

BetterPhoto Member
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  If you really need to stick within that price range, I would get a Canon EF 28mm f 2.8 It's a fast, fixed focal length lens that would nicely compliment a mid-range zoom or normal lens.

However, if you can stretch just a bit, you will love the 20-35mm wide-angle zoom. Great scenics as well as wildly fun creative shots can be captured with this lens.

You could get a lens from a third-party like Sigma or Tokina - any many users stand by this as a great way to go - but I prefer to use Canon lenses. They cost more but they're worth it.

For a flash, I recommend the Speedlight 540 EZ.

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December 08, 1999

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