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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Digital Photography

I would like to know the what the advantages of digital photography are over conventional?

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December 02, 1999 - Jim Miotke

BetterPhoto Member
BetterPhoto Crew: King
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  When shooting digital, you can get a good idea of what you are going to end up with as a final print. Like using a Polaroid back on a traditional camera, using an on-camera monitor gives you a thumbnail of the image. This will often tell you to shoot again while you are still on location.

However, the number one advantage is a reduction in operating expenses - both in terms of time and money. Since the money aspect may not break even for a long time due to the higher prices on digital cameras and memory cards, the savings in time becomes the key advantage. If you are in occupation such as real estate or insurance, you will find the immediacy of digital imaging extremely convenient.

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January 28, 2000

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