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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Simple Camera for Nature Photography

I am interested in nature photography. I don't care about bells & whistles, where the date stamp goes, just the quality of the output. What features are important in evaluating which camera will help the most in producing the best pictures?

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November 15, 1999


Stan Davis
  One question first, why use a date stamp? The first thing to look for is a camera that allows you to adjust everything, as well as functions fully automatically. Even if you're new to photography you will rapidly want to adjust exposure and f-stop. Before long you'll want to lie
to the camera and set film speed to get unprecedented after dark pictures. The next thing to look for is sharpness of focus. You'll have to rely heavily on opinions as well as others experience. Since I am a firm believer in the Canon Rebel 2000 I would tell you to keep it heavily in mind.

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November 15, 1999

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