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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

APS SLR vs. 35mm

I want to know whether I would be better off buying an APS SLR camera or a 35mm camera? I've looked at the Nikon Pronea 6i, the Nikon N60, and Minolta HTsi. I presently have a Minolta X-700 and am very pleased with the pictures I get, but need something with some auto focus for sporting events. I just need a recommendation of which way to go. Thanks

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November 14, 1999


Michael L. DelRossi
  The Nikon Pronea 6i is agreat camera; it will take all the Nikon AF lenses except the (300mm f2.8 lens,$7000.00).
It uses APS film which shoots a 4"x6", 4"x7" & 4" x 12" panaromic photo. Stainless steel lens mount, 3 metering systems, this has better features than the Nikon N60. Great camera and lens combination! Mike at

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February 08, 2005

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