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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Night Football Action Shots

It just seems like since I attached a 2X extender lens to my 75-210 AF telephoto lens, my pictures come out totally blurred. It's driving me nuts!

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October 01, 1999


  A 2x extender generally decreases the light coming into your camera by 2 f-stops. If you have a consumer grade zoom lens then you are already starting out with a slow lens. Probably around f5.6 is your biggest aperture setting. You're not getting enough light into the camera. This is causing one of two problems. Either your autofocus is not working properly because the lack of light or more likely you are unable to use a fast enough shutter speed (due to the lack of light) to take action shots while hand holding. At the 75mm end with the 2x extender you're shooting at 150mm. You'll need to have a shutter speed of at least 1/125 to be able to handhold. If you are shooting at the long end you'll need a shutter speed of 1/500. Which you're probably not getting.

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December 24, 1999

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