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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Setting aperture on an older Nikon 35mm camera

How do you set the light control on an older Nikon 35mm camera. It's all manual, nothing is automatic on it. I believe it is called the aperture. How do I set it?

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October 01, 1999


Michael Christopher
  Chris, two things contribute to the exposure on a camera. One is the aperture which you are referring to. Such as, 5.6, 8,11,16,32. This should be located near the base of the lens. Just turn it to the desired setting. The other contributor to exposure is the shutter speed, 1/125,1/60,1/30,1/15. This is located on top right of the camera body and usually is a round knob (also just turn). If your camera doesn't have a light meter built in then you will probably want to purchase a handheld light meter or possibly use the rough guidelines outlined in the packaging that came with the film. Example, for a sunny outdoor photograph use f16 and 1/125. Before you do that, make sure you don't have a built in meter. The indicators are seen looking through the viewfinder. Often the meters are represented by a needle or green lights. All cameras are a little different so what I described may not be exact. Good luck.

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December 20, 1999

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