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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Low Light Action Shots

I've been trying to take indoor photos of my son playing either basketball or soccer and am not having much success, I have a canon rebel 2000 xs, with 400 speed fuji film.
When I set it to the sports setting it usually flashes a very slow shutter speed, which I don't feel will stop the action (30,60 or sometimes even lower).
So I've done some playing around, increasing the shutter speed to 800 and the the aperature meter would flash indicating not enough light, and the pictures would come out dark without really stopping any action. The other thing that I tried was increasing the ISO to 800 - these pictures would not come at all.
This is very frustrating to me because I love to take pictures, but for now until I learn this new camera I need to keep trying things.
Any suggestions would greatly be appreciated.

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December 17, 2000


Daniel F. Smith
  Are you using a flash? If not, that would probably be the best way to go. Get a flash with a decent guide number (something like 100 ft @ 100 ISO, at least) or you could go the cheaper way and get a faster film, like 800 or 1600. But remember though, that if you don't use a flash, you might have some discoloration in the picture (like green for fluroscent and an orange tint for incadecent). Hope this helps.


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December 18, 2000

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