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Photography Question 

Ken Pang

Using Flashes

Hey guys,

Recently, I started using the EOS 5/A2E's spot meter instead of the evaluative metering. I then told my photo finisher to apply neutral density and colour balance to the photos.

Most the photos are coming out beautifully, especially the pro-film, but I notice regardless of the film type every photo I take with the in built flash comes out horribly over exposed. This is regardless of whether evaluative, spot metering is used, and whether I used fully automatic mode, or "X-Sync" mode.

Could someone explain to me how to calculate correct exposure using a flash, given that flash GN is 17, Sync speed is either 250/125/60 and maximum aperture is 3.5 - 5.6?

I would really appreciate your help on this one. Thanks!


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December 16, 2000

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