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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Use of Creative Filters

I use a Minolta X7A 35mm SLR. Recently I have started traveling a lot and have found that when photographing buildings (e.g. churches that have a spire or tower) the detail is lost against a bright sky. I know it is possible to correct this by juggling the aperture and shutter speeds but this usually results in the sky being washed out. I thought a graduated filter would be a good idea as the sky could be held back but then thought that the part of the building falling in the shaded area will also be under-exposed. Am I right and is there a solution to this problem? Perhaps I'm being too demanding!

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December 07, 2000


Mark A. Braxton
  Hi Rick,
One of the best investments you can make for outdoor photography to deepen skies and detail is a polarizer. It will help with your washed out sky and evening up the light and dark areas.

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December 10, 2000


Dave wittemann
  Hi Rick, If you're shooting b/w try using a red 25 (tiffen). It will make blue skies almost black. Try Ilford sfx 200. It works great with this effect.

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December 12, 2000

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