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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Why The Blue?

Winnipeg night scene

This picture was taken in the evening from a height of 8 floors. The film was "Prova 100f" and taken at f5.6. The outside temperature was aprox -10 degrees c. or +5 degrees F (it was snowing at the time). Why the blue overtones?

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November 24, 2000


Ken Henry
  In the early evening the sky is light enough to reflect its blue and, of course, anything that is pure white (snow) will easily turn blue when too under exposured. The sun was not able to penetrate with its white or yellow light to cancel the blue cast.

Also you may try a UV filter and/or a warming filter. But not too warm because I feel that snow needs to have a little blue tinge to look realistic. Ken Henry

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November 29, 2000

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