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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

The Sun In The Front

I saw some pictures where the sun was behind the subject, and both appear clear. How could I take pictures like that?

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November 24, 2000


Romen Vargas
  You can either:
1) Use a flash - if you feel like mucking around, use the flash even in bright daylight to cancel out shadows 8-)


2) If you have a camera that can spot meter, then meter off the subject's face and shoot.

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November 26, 2000


Tara A. Johnson
  Also, sometimes just using a polarizer will allow you to take pictures which face into the sun.

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November 26, 2000 - Jim Miotke

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  While a polarizer will often help, it is interesting to note that the filter is not truly polarizing when facing into the light. A polarizer works best at a 90 degree angle from the sun, i.e. if the sun is going down in the west, you are facing north or south. Facing the sun, it is mostly just stopping down the light by about 2 stops. This can also be achieved with a neutral density filter.

The only way to get light "where the sun don't shine" is to bounce it back with a reflector or add artificial light using fill flash.

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November 29, 2000

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