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Photography Question 

Dave wittemann

Getting Whites White

Hello, I am a visual artist. I draw portraits on white paper with color markers. For my portfolio I photograph my work before it is given to the client. When the photos come back they have a warm grey cast to them. I am shooting with Kodak Gold 100. The subject is placed on a wall and the camera is on a tripod w/ off-camera flash (sync chord). I have tried using only daylight, a totally dark room w/ flash as only light, and every combo in between w/ varying degrees of success. Is there a 'right' way to do this?

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November 14, 2000


Doug G. Hilton
  This is actually a "feature" of your light meter. The "average" scene will reflect about 18% of the light that strikes it. Your meter is calibrated to work with this, therefore, your meter will "see" the white as 18% grey. One option you have is to use a grey card, another option is to meter a middle toned subject and then use that combination of shutter speed and aperture to shoot the paper. This will result in a true "white" on your final image.

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November 14, 2000

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