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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Digital Preview

I am a studio photographer. I am looking for a digital camera by which I can preview the subject. Can I use the new digital camcorders? Some of them have an ability to capture still images at a resolution of 1200*800(approx). My work is only identity card photos. Please suggest.

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November 07, 2000 - Jim Miotke

BetterPhoto Member
BetterPhoto Crew: King
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  Sure you can use the digital camcorders for this purpose. A couple years back, you could choose among a few products that would capture still frames from analog video. Now, many digital camcorders allow you to easily grab one frame.

I would still make sure that the quality is what you are after. These may be enough for your photo ID cards - I have seen others using digital video for this purpose. If the price tag gets up around $2K to $3K, you may want to look into a digital SLR; you can often hook these into a TV to give you and your clients preview.

I know there is much more that can be said on this... hopefully another reader will have specific model suggestions or leads on digital camcorder / capture system packages.

Have fun...

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November 25, 2000


Morgan W. Bird
  Kodak makes a digital camera that also prints out instant polaroids from any stored image. I think the resolution is about 2.1 megapixels or so (enough for ID cards), and the instant polaroids make a decent preview.

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November 26, 2000

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