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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Image Sizing

Maybe it is because I have too many options in my Sony digital camera, but I am not sure what I should do for different shots. I have several selections (such as the size of the photo) and am not sure which to use where for the best effect.

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October 30, 2000


  What model Sony do you have? I have a Sony FD-95 and shoot mostly 1600x1200 and 1024x768. I use these two settings if I am shooting for print. For web work I will shoot 640x480 knowing I am going to resize them smaller so it tightens up the pixels. I prefer to shoot 1600x1200 because it gives me a 22"x16.5" photo graphic at 72dpi. This gives me room to increase the dpi to 300 and decrease the size to 8x10 and not lose quality but gain in quality and sharpness without having to sharpen the photo.

Remember if you are printing your photos to an inkjet printer, 72dpi is fine, but like me I use a Xerox Digital Color Copier 5750 networked to my computer systems. (I own my own printing firm) 72dpi is horrible (pixelates) on a digital copier, so I up the dpi to a minimum of 150dpi and I have a beautiful photograph on glossy or standard paper.

I hope this helps.


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