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Category: New Answers

Photography Question 

Leslie Carson Wolfe

Technical Help

This isn’t exactly a question about photography, or improving my skills in photography. It’s more about a technical issue with the website. I need to be able to download some of my own images (to my cell phone and to my desktop) from BetterPhoto that I uploaded years ago. If I am logged in to my own account that I have paid a subscription for, I feel like it would be of benefit to me to have access to my own uploaded image files. I may send an email to see if that’s a better way to find out how to do this. Thanks!

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February 20, 2021

- Janet Criswell

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Janet Criswell
Janet Criswell's Gallery
  I would love to be able to do this, too! I've lost a number of original images from 2006. I hope if there's a way the answer will be posted here. Thanks for asking. :)

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February 20, 2021

- Carolyn M. Fletcher

BetterPhoto Member
BetterPhoto Crew: Volunteer
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  I don't know if it's still true, since I haven't had to retrieve one in a few years, but you used to be able to go to the photo in your manage/enter place and right click on it, but the problem in those days was you could only get a very small sized photo back. I'd ask Jim what the procedure is, since I obviously don't know the answer. LOL

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February 27, 2021 - Jim Peak

BetterPhoto Member
BetterPhoto Crew: King
Contact Jim Peak
Jim Peak's Gallery
  Yes, you are right, Carolyn - that is the current way to do it.

I will explore better ways.


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March 01, 2021

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