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Bill Johnson

June 2016 EPs, SFs, Finalists

Ready for comments about June 2016 EPs, SFs, and Finalists.

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June 01, 2016


Bill Johnson
  There is much I could say about the rule, but I'll only make a couple of points. I want to say first and foremost my comments are not about my personal feelings regarding my shooting or contest entering. It's about the viability of the site. I think we can agree that we have far less submitting members than in the past. Entries for contests have gone from 20,000 to under 5,000. And that 5,000 includes up to 10 or maybe unlimited entries by some members while that 20,000 was when only 1 a day was allowed. I suspect if people follow the rule, there will be far less entries.
Also this was the "law of the land" a couple of years ago and was repealed. Did it not produce what they wanted it to or did it produce some unintended negative results. For some reason it got repealed.

I think this idea might work if we had a category devoted to it. Perhaps if results and feelings were amazing it could then be applied site-wide. My recommendation is to try it as the theme for the summer and see how it works and how people feel. Then decide about site-wide.

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June 01, 2016

- Cindy Bendush

BetterPhoto Member
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Cindy Bendush's Gallery
  I agree and it puzzles me too: I thought BP wanted MORE entries. This will cut entries down to a trickle which will make the contest much less competitive, less challenging and less enjoyable. Furthermore this change is a further nail in the coffin for those who never have been enthusiastic about the new gallery style. If the contest and galleries aren't fun people simply will lose interest and look elsewhere.

Winning images are a joy to view. It would be a shame to lose the fabulous images that go on to gold the second time around.

This change would be a challenging and fun monthly theme though!

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June 02, 2016

- Bob Cournoyer

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Bob Cournoyer
Bob Cournoyer's Gallery
  Got an EP for June 3rd.... :-)

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June 17, 2016


Cary Rogers
  Ditto for me, too, Bob. I didn't enter on Jun 1st or 2nd, so it was a little surprising they are on June 3rd, already. But, because of the new mandate, perhaps they didn't have as many images to go through for those 2 days.

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June 17, 2016

- Usman M. Bajwa

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Usman M. Bajwa
Usman M. Bajwa's Gallery
  I see three EPs for 1st, 2nd and 3rd of my monthly submits.
Good luck to all in the June contest.


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June 18, 2016

- Nikki McDonald

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Nikki McDonald
Nikki McDonald's Gallery
  Same as Usman. Nice :)

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June 20, 2016

- Usman M. Bajwa

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Usman M. Bajwa
Usman M. Bajwa's Gallery
  I see my June 4 entry now has an EP too.


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June 20, 2016

- Carolyn M. Fletcher

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  EPs June 1-5 so far.

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June 21, 2016


Cindy Koller
  On the initial topic of this new summer trial, everyone knows I'm no fan of resubmissions, but I'd bet we might see a whole lot less if we had consistent high quality judging. As for limiting entries to what we shot in last 60 days, I've never in all my days heard of a photo competition limiting timeframe like that. I've heard of major competitions where entries must have been taken within the prior year, but this is no major competition.

I'm already submitting less, and I might submit a few next month, but unless rules change to allow photos older than 60 days, I'm out possibly until January, and by then why bother.

No EP's yet as I did not submit my first shot until 6/6, and I have complied with the 1 per day rule.

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June 21, 2016

- Jill Odice

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Jill Odice
Jill Odice's Gallery
  Cindy, you can write to Jim with your concerns, he does listen. I wrote him that I have 1000s of images shot on film that I have been editing in Photoshop that I would like to post as I have not been doing much shooting recently due to health reasons and deaths in the family.
He told me that was fine as long as I was not resubmitting .

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June 24, 2016

- Joannie Bertucci

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Joannie Bertucci
Joannie Bertucci's Gallery
  First Princess let me say that I am so sorry for your losses and I hope your health situation improves! Princesses shouldn't be ill! :-) Thank you for this information as I have been doing the same thing with old images! Take care!

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June 24, 2016


Cindy Koller
  Jill, thanks for the info. How do you write him personally? Also, he mentioned exemptions for health issues, but my issue is not health related. I already think many folks are posting older photos as there is no way to identify date taken within BP. So far, I've resisted this, as first, I've trying to play by the rules, two, I just got back from a trip where I do have photos to submit, and three, because most of my photos are taken outside this country, in very distinct places, it makes it more difficult for someone paying attention not to figure it out. Hope you feel better.

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June 24, 2016

- Jill Odice

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June 24, 2016

- Harriet Feagin

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Harriet Feagin's Gallery
  I am abiding by the rules but it is not something I want as a permanent thing. Again, I like the idea of limiting resubmits. I know that there are some photographers who find it difficult to photograph regularly due to health issues or family matters and it is good that BP makes allowances for them. I also suspect that there are photographers who are perfectly able to photograph but are skirting the rule. The bright spot is the digital darkroom as old photos can be "tweaked". Also, the monthly theme can be something to concentrate on. I am sure Jim has heard my issue with the rules many, many times from others. I think we are locked in for the next two months but hopefully, that will be it. Sorry about your health and family issues, Jill.

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June 24, 2016


Cindy Koller
  I got my weekly eMail with Photos of the Week was wondering why Jim is sending out Photos from 2010 and 2011 as Photos of the Week? I've sensed for a while that something was up with POW as they rarely look familiar to me lately, and I guess now I know why. There really is no more photo of the week.

What's up with this? Its not from the week or the month, or last month, to last year.

Is there nothing we do here that is worthy of POW?

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June 25, 2016

- Harriet Feagin

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Harriet Feagin
Harriet Feagin's Gallery
  All very mysterious.... I have wondered this myself. There really is NOT a photo of the day if the "day" was five years ago....

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June 25, 2016

- Nikki McDonald

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Nikki McDonald
Nikki McDonald's Gallery
  As for the POTD, there were programming issues for a long long time. During that period, I believe Jim kept selecting likely candidates and putting them in a POTD folder. Then when he started going through the previous winners, he doubtless kept coming on terrific photos and added them to the mix. So what we see is simply a featured image each day that is very eye-catching and of high interest - regardless of the moment at which it was first entered in a contest here at BP.

Maybe once Jim gets finished with his selection of All Time SF's followed by All Time Finalists, he can make time to take a fresh look at the selection criteria for the POTD pool. In the meantime, I'm just glad to have daily featured photos back, no matter what they are called or when they were entered in the contest. :)

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June 25, 2016

- Harriet Feagin

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Harriet Feagin
Harriet Feagin's Gallery
  Thanks for the info, Nikki. I was wondering what the deal was.

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June 25, 2016


Bill Johnson
  Ironic that at the same time we are looking for new and recently shot contest entries, we are seeing "resubs"of sorts from long ago on the POTD front.

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June 25, 2016


Ujjwal Mukherjee
  I hope the restriction gets limited to resubmits only. I just came back from a vacation and have new photos to post but I also have a huge nos. of 'new' photos from many of my previous photo/travel trips made in last 2-3 years, 'new' in the sense that those are still in 'RAW' format, not yet processed and posted. As I don't get enough time to work on new photos on a regular basis, those have piled up over time and I would like to select the good ones and post it here as and when time permits, that's what I have been doing off late and would continue to do so. It would seriously handicap my options here on BP if photos taken before 60 days are not considered in the contest and I am sure that would be case for many here.
I hope there is a reconsideration on this idea and if it helps - resubmits can be stopped all together.

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June 26, 2016

- Nikki McDonald

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Nikki McDonald
Nikki McDonald's Gallery
  I would not like to see resubmissions stopped altogether - there are too many very good reasons for trying an image a 2nd time, and it's unrealistic to think that BP can "police" a policy that bans resubmissions through new uploads. But there could certainly be a continued effort to encourage work that is new to BP - that has never been seen here before (regardless of when it was originally shot - and that can't be effectively "policed", either).

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June 26, 2016


Pat Harry
  Several years ago I participated in another contest board. All the contests were themed, and you had to show exif information to prove the image was taken during the contest time period. Images were disqualified from judging if they were not taken during the time period.

The difference between that site and BP is that their contests were themed and had a start and end date. Maybe Jim could do BP's monthly them like this, since it is the only one change changes each month.

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June 26, 2016


Cary Rogers
  I think I am familiar with that website, Pat. I found the contest rule to be too limiting for my tastes.
Another possible solution---if BP is trying to cut down on resubmits in the contest---is to have a separate category for JUST "resubmits." That way, members would still have the opportunity to have an image looked at again, and the other contest categories would only have "new" photos. ~Just a thought...

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June 26, 2016

- Lindley Johnson

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Lindley Johnson
Lindley Johnson's Gallery
  I agree with many of the thoughts expressed about the current "new rules." In my opinion, it's not realistic to limit people to a 60 day limit for the reasons expressed by Usman and others. While I post many images from trips and photo shoots right away, I also reserve some to upload later in order to provide more variety in my submissions, and because I often see new possibilities when I take a new look at my images at a later date. The topic of resubmissions is another issue - I personally don't have a problem with people resubmitting photos, but if BP wants to limit resubs, there have been some good ideas presented here.

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June 26, 2016


Cindy Koller
  Ujiwal, so welcome home! You and I are complaining about the same problem. I just got back from the Camargue and have about 10,000 shots and I've barely started to show much from India trip and now it's too old, never mind the Antarctica images I have (again thousands). I like to show my images slowly as there is no upside to dump 30 great shots in one month, as no one around here is going to let one person with 30 heroes get all the medals.

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June 27, 2016


Cindy Koller
  Bill is right about the irony of the POD issue. Also, it is a major misrepresentation of the facts.

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June 27, 2016

- Harriet Feagin

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Harriet Feagin
Harriet Feagin's Gallery
  June is almost over. All we can hope for is that for another 60 days we tolerate this rule. If it goes past September 1st, then each of us must determine if it is worth it. As for now, I guess we just work on photos in anticipation of the contest resuming the way it was before the "rule" was enacted. This contest is not the end all, be all, of our existence as photographers. Life will go on. And for all of you who are skirting the rule then this is called cheating. Shame on you.

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June 27, 2016

- Bob Cournoyer

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Bob Cournoyer
Bob Cournoyer's Gallery
  On a lighter note, my 3 June entries up to the 5th, have EPs on them now....
Happy weekend to everyone... :-)

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July 03, 2016

- Usman M. Bajwa

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Usman M. Bajwa
Usman M. Bajwa's Gallery
  I see EPs under my June 5, 6 and 7 entries.

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July 03, 2016


Cindy Koller Editor's Pick  
Most beautiful Stallion  - Grudge Match
Most beautiful Stallion - Grudge Match
Two young Wild Camargue Stallions sparring. It seems that by just putting two young stallions alone together, they will engage in behavior similar to siblings. They will ignore, clearly annoy each other (aka provoke) and play fight. Thanks to their Guardians for giving us this opportunity. We watched them interact for almost 2 hours. Depending how close they got, I found my 28-300 handled anything, but probably did not need anything over 200, but they often got close.

Cindy Koller

Was pleased to see my first EP for 6/6, however I must say that I am stunned beyond belief that this photo, DID NOT receive an EP for 6/7. I'm not sure if I'll be submitting any more of my Camargue photos as if the judges are not able to distinguish between quality and not, I'm wasting both my time and BP's time.

FYI, I just won a photo contest with 3500 entries, with my entry of Camargue Horses.

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July 03, 2016

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