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Photography Question 
- Emile Abbott

BetterPhoto Member
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Emile Abbott's Gallery

How to refold a 5X7' collapsable B&W background

I just purchased a 5 X 7 foot collapsable background for doing portrait work. I comes in a round shape about 2 feet wide in a bag and expands out to 5' wide and 7' tall and has black on one side and white on the other side for use. My problem is there were no instructions on how to refold it back into the round shape. It seems like it might take two people but so far I have been unsuccessful in getting it back into the round bag. Any suggestions.

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September 01, 2013

- Nikki McDonald

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Nikki McDonald
Nikki McDonald's Gallery
  Sounds like one of the round collapsible reflectors - same principle. I suggest doing a google search on it. May sound silly but I bet you can find a youtube video of someone demonstrating it. For my reflector, I just hold either side and kind of twist my hands/wrists in opposite directions, right hand clockwise and pushing forward, left hand counter clockwise and kind of pulling backward. It's hard to explain.

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September 01, 2013

- Dayna Cain

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Dayna Cain
Dayna Cain's Gallery
  Nikki is correct on both accounts. It is hard to explain and there are youtube videos that demonstrate the procedure. Once you watch it being done it makes perfect sense and will fold up easily.

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September 03, 2013

- Dennis Flanagan

BetterPhoto Member
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Dennis Flanagan's Gallery
  One hand and 10 o'clock, the other at 4 o'clock and twist inwards toward each other twisting it in what feels like a figure 8 position.

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September 03, 2013

- Emile Abbott

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Emile Abbott
Emile Abbott's Gallery
  Thanks Nikii, Dayna and Dennis.

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September 04, 2013

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