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Photography Question 

Noelle Rosenberg

How to fix a swollen eye

  Black eyed girl
Black eyed girl

Noelle Rosenberg

Hi There,

I have been struggling with how to fix this beautiful girl's swollen black and blue eye. Can anyone help me? I use ps 5 and I am struggling with making this look natural.

Thank you!

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November 11, 2012

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
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Do you have liquify tool on your version of photoshop. That might be the easiest way to reshape the eye. You can't copy and flip her left eye because she's not looking straight ahead.
I tried a quick fix with my very basic version of photoshop. I used distort-spherize to suck in the area of the swelling. To try to cover up the bruising, I used paintbrush tool set to screen and sampled various spots with the eyedrop tool from her cheekbone, under the eyebrow on the inside part of her right eye, and also her eyelash line on her left eye, to try to get shadowing and the contour to look right.
Since I used the web version, I had to use a very small brush size, and almost do pixel by pixel. On a full size picture, the clone tool could be substituted for the paintbrush.
Whether it looks natural or better, that can be up to interpretation.

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November 11, 2012


Noelle Rosenberg
  Hi Gregory,

Thanks for looking at this. I do have liquify and I tried that. I also tried the flip but, yes, the eye is not looking in the same direction. A pro friend suggested I send it out to a retouch place. I have many of these to edit and I think it will take too much time.

Thanks again. Best, Noelle

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November 12, 2012

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