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Photography Question 

Owen Dawson

New Mac Pro

My 8 year old iMac just died and I want to purchase a new Mac Pro . Using raw files from d700 working in PS , LR, Nik software and autopan pro.
Files can reach 1g at time but oftentimes are much smaller in size. iMac served me well but maxed at 3G ram it took some time to process images.

If anyone is familiar with the new Mac pros and would like to offer suggestions on processor speed, ram etc. I would like to hear your thoughts.

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September 22, 2012


Lynn R. Powers
  I hope that is a typo in yourt question. Do you really have 1 gigabyte files? I have a 5D Canon with 12 MP which is the same as your D700 and the highest MP I have is 90MP on ONE about a dozen at 70MP and the rest vary but averager around the 35MP range. On my current computer I have 6Gig of RAM and 1 Terabyte hard drive. I chose the 6MP RAM so CS5/6 will operate faster. For the size files you are talking about You would need at least 16 Gig of RAM and all of the storage you can afford.

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September 23, 2012


Owen Dawson
  Thanks for your reply.
Its not a typo. If you work with panoramic images is easy to get to a
1 gig file.
Are you using a new mac pro?
If so which one.
does your current computer process through ps5 fairly quickly?

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September 23, 2012 - Chris Budny

BetterPhoto Member
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  May not relate directly to your shopping, but I'm on a 2.5-year-old MacBook Pro laptop, which I later expanded to 8g RAM. I've done a few pano-stitches, up to 10 frames (don't recall file size at the end, but I doubt 1G); it definitely slowed WAY down. Even single RAW files today, if I'm doing extensive work in NIK (such as multiple ColorEfex combinations) will sometimes take 1-2 minutes to return me to the image in PS4.
I'd max the RAM on your new Mac (or at least, start at 8g minimum) But the Mac Pro's are SO powerful to start with, I probably can't make any reasonable comparison to my MacBook Pro!

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September 24, 2012

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