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Photography Question 

Larry Smith

Over Ride Camera Settings

I have a Minolta MAXXUM 7D, (great camera)
I quit using the "P" setting and completely started using Manual f/ settings, speed, ISO, Color balance ect. when I try to change the f setting for more depth and color in low or cloudy lighting the camera seems to be in automatic mode and will not let drop to lower exposure settings. I need help to over ride or explain why I Can not change the f setting . I change lenses from typical 3.8 down to 55mm 1.7 and the camera sill does not react! HELP

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August 18, 2012

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  Is this a zoom lens that you're trying to change from f/3.8 to f/1.7 at the 55mm focal length?

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August 19, 2012

- Kenneth De Pree

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Kenneth De Pree
Kenneth De Pree's Gallery
  I don't know anything about your camera, but it is possible you have a menu option like I do on my Canon where you can give the camera an ok to over ride your setting if the camera believes there is not enough light or some other reason why using that setting will not give you a satisfactory photo.

You might check your manual to see if you have such a setting on your camera. If you do, it may be the default setting, assuming you did not give the ok when setting up the camera.

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August 19, 2012

- Kenneth De Pree

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Kenneth De Pree
Kenneth De Pree's Gallery
  Again, I don't know anything about your camera, or about the lenses the camera uses. You say you changed to 55, but that doesn't mean much. What are the f numbers for that lens? The lenses I have are not capable of going to 1.7 no matter how hard I try.

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August 19, 2012


Larry Smith
  Thanks Gregory, my Zoom lens lowest setting is f3.5 my 55mm lens lowest is f1.7 bur the camera is not allowing to adjust

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August 19, 2012


Larry Smith
  Thanks Ken for a quick response, my problem is I can't find any menu options to over ride settings which I'm sure this is, I have read my manual inside and out with no such luck. Sony has taken over Minolta and now its difficult to get information on the camera I'm hoping there is a Sony similar or some one with A Minolta that could advise. Thanks again Ken for the response

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August 19, 2012

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  So you're changing lenses and it's not working right. Are the zoom and 55mm two different brands?
And tell me if Minolta keeps the aperture setting when you take the lens off while the camera is on. Whereas, on my Canon, while I have the camera on and I take the lens off, the aperture number on the screen goes to 00.

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August 20, 2012


Larry Smith
  Gregory, at the end result of this we should be good friends. I took your advice the camera screen goes to -- with lens off. I change 3 same brands of lenses all with different f'stops, turn the battery on inside my home office with low lights I could adjust all settings fine, went outside took random pictures sunny ares mid-shade and dark spaces in that order, my f settings drop the way they should with no restrictions then went back to the sunny area and I could not get below f5.6 I wanted f.4, got mad put the lens cover on a said the heck with it, then I said 1 more took the lens cover off and it seemed to re set the camera I could adjust the f stops up and down. Taking pictures must lock the camera in some way. Now I feel there is something wrong with the camera or there is a over ride that I need to find

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August 21, 2012

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  Okay, that removes one possibility. I had thought that I had seen a minolta that the camera body kept the aperture setting when the lens was removed, and that maybe you were using a Sigma or some other brand made to fit a Minolta. Sometimes reverse engineered brands like Sigma, Tamron, etc.. don't get everything quite right and the lens doesn't communicate properly with the camera body.
There may be a custom function activated that's trying to maintain a range for one of the settings, field depth or something. But what you said about what a happened after taking off the lens cover, I'm wondering if it's something about the dial, that there's a dead spot to it.

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August 21, 2012


Larry Smith
  Gregory, the dial for P to Manual setting?
if so one of the first things I tried, turned it back an forth. you may have something with your lens theory, I use mostly Minolta lenses, new lenses now Sony, but I do have a Sigma made for Minolta use it quite often

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August 22, 2012

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  I was talking about the dial, or whatever it is on your camera, that you use to change the f/stops. Maybe there's spot after turning it so many times that it doesn't function properly. And by keeping the lens cap on for a while, when you started it back up it was able to stop down all the way. Maybe if not something with the dial itself, but related to the dial in the software of the camera.
Try looking for some consistencies in getting it to get to the max aperture. Like keep trying the thing with lens cap.

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August 22, 2012

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