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Photography Question 

Rosie Fodera

Storing Photo's

I have a mac OSX, Dual Processor and the ability to have 4 hard drives. I shoot approximately 1000 Raw photo's a week. I have two backups. I have been storing my photo's on my MAC and then they are automatically backing up to my Lacie. This is obviously slowing down my computer and it's really impacting my Photoshop. I know many photographers don't store the photo's on their computers at all to avoid this. What do you suggest for the amount of photo's that I take and for backup hardware as well.


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May 12, 2012

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
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  If your computer is slowing down, I don't think is because of your storage capacity, but more of your RAM capacity.
You could have a water tower's worth of storage capacity, but if you only have two people with two buckets, you won't be able to quickly move any water.
But I'm not that down with lots of computer knowledge, but most people just use external drives, which isn't that what the Lacie is. I think most that use external don't keep them connected to the computer, if that's what you're doing. Michael Grecco puts things on external drives and stores those away. From what he said in a prior interview.

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May 15, 2012


steven sax
  I keep all my photos on two external drives, one is a Drobo, and the second is just a simple OWC.
It works wonderfully well, and the other day, when my mac's hard drive crashed (under warrenty), it took just 24 hours to get everything back up to normal. Hope this helps...

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May 16, 2012


Rosie Fodera
  thank you steve. I was looking into purchasing a DRobo. Do you have that backed up onto other hard drives as well? Also what do you think about a Pegasus?

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May 17, 2012


steven sax
  I don't have my drobo backed up, however it's my understanding that if one of the drobo drives go down, there's duplication on the other three. Since I'm not a pro, every month or two, I take my favorite shots and save them separately on a separate hard drive I keep at work.
I think (no real knowledge) the Pegasus is considered a significant step above the Drobo...

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May 17, 2012

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