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Photography Question 

David B. Spooner


I have a number of photos that I took last fall with what is now my back up camera..Nikon Coolpix P100 (I now have a DSLR)
The above mentioned photos are all in JPEG files as the P100 had no option to shoot in RAW and I may need to convert these files to TIFF files using PSE9...have any of you done this with any success? Any tips or advice appreciated

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May 08, 2012

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  There's not much benefit to changing something shot as a jpeg into a tiff file.
All you have to do is save as a tiff, and you're done. You may get an option to save as 8 bit or 16 bit. Save as 8 bit.

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May 08, 2012 - Chris Budny

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Chris Budny
Chris Budny's Gallery
  Keep in mind that those JPG's (if you're worrying about loss of quality over time) only lose quality/get compressed further, when you repeatedly re-Save (Save or Save As) a file, or successive Saves of that file. If you're done editing your existing JPG's to your liking, and all you'll ever do with them is view or print them, you won't inflict degradation on them by just opening/viewing/closing them.

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May 08, 2012


David B. Spooner
  Thank you both very much. I am submitting an article with photos to Texas Highways magazine and the photo editor want the photos in TIFF...thanks again.

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May 08, 2012


Thom Schoeller
  Just a note: when you "save as" you are creating a brand new file. The original JPEG file now exist as a seperate file. You can make a TIFF file in PS or PSE by opening the JPG and "save as" a TIFF. (again, you retain the original JPG as a seperate file) You can add notes in PSE so you know which is which.

The new TIFF file is now saved in a non-destructive format which can be processed many times over. That would be one huge benefit.

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May 13, 2012

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