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Category: New Answers

Photography Question 

Diane Underwood

how to rotate picture after downloading contest

I uploaded a photo and it rotated.
How do I fix this problem?

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February 10, 2012


Tiia Vissak
  You cannot fix it after entering it (unless you delete the photo from your entries and upload it again). Are you sure it was right in your computer? I've never heard of anybody having this problem here.

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February 10, 2012


Diane Underwood
  Thankyou for your response Tiia :) My husband and I figured it was because I have a Mac. I had to rotate the picture in Coral Painting. The Mac doesn't do it. Problem is now solved. In the future I enter my photo in my browser to see if it is sideways or not. Then rotate and then enter. I appreciate your help.

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February 11, 2012

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