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Photography Question 

Wendy M. Hansen-Penman

Infrared Camera Conversion

Hey, anyone out there converted a camera to Infrared lately? Who did you use?

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December 26, 2011


Ilene Samowitz
  I've used Life Pixel and recommend them highly. I had a Nikon D70 converted to standard and a Nikon D200 converted to enhanced. Contact me if you have any questions. If you decide to use them, you can use me for the referral if you like.

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December 27, 2011


Wendy M. Hansen-Penman
  That is who I have been looking at too. They look like about the biggest and baddest in the biz. Would you recommend the standard or enhanced? I am leaning toward the enhanced just so I have some options with color. I am looking at a Nikon D3000 at Adorama and a D50 at a local store. About the same price. What do you think? The one from Adorama was refurbished by Nikon.

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December 27, 2011


Ilene Samowitz
  I prefer the enhanced. You get more detail since you have more info being recorded. I would give them a call and ask them which would be a better candidate. Setting custom white balance is important if you want to do color work. However, Adobe Raw or Lightroom will not correctly read the custom white balance set and you will need to use Capture NX to get the correct white balance red unless you want to do a lot of extra work in Photoshop. Life Pixel has info on their site about this. The only camera that Lightroom or Camera Raw can read are the Lumix G series. I do not remember the reason behind that. You have the same issue with both color or enhanced. A work around is to desaturate the foliage that should be white from the red bleed.

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December 27, 2011


Ilene Samowitz
  You can notice in the rocks that there is a hint of red that still bleeds slightly into the gray.

You can also check out my infrared gallery at

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December 27, 2011

- Ken Smith

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Ken Smith
Ken Smith's Gallery
  Wendy, I've done IR too and would recommend the "enhanced" option. Good's definitely a new world out there with IR!

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December 27, 2011


Robert Jensen
  Outdoor Photographer technical guru George Lepp recommends MaxMax in New York. I had a camera converted there. Instead of just a B&W conversion, I had them do a deep black IR conversion. With deep black you get deepter blacks and whiter whites.

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April 13, 2012

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