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Photography Question 

Cherie Early

Need a small camera

I am looking to purchase a small digital camera. I do a lot of traveling on a motorcycle where I cannot put my larger equipment in the saddlebags. I will also be visiting diffrent countires where I need to carry a napsack with other suppilies so I need it to fit in my pocket so I can pull it out quickly.I am looking for one with rechargeable batteries,excellent photo taking is a must, low light and fast action. It needs to have some zoom but photo quality is the main issue. Any suggestions would be helpful, thank you,

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December 22, 2011 - Chris Budny

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Chris Budny
Chris Budny's Gallery
  Have you looked into any yet? Perhaps the higher-end point-and-shoot zooms, made by the same company as your "larger equipment" gear, for familiarity and consistency?

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December 22, 2011

- Carlton Ward

BetterPhoto Member
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Carlton Ward's Gallery
  Hi Cherie,
I was also looking for a small carry-around P&S myself that will shoot RAW. I know Canon & Nikon both make a few and I think you will need to read the specs and find one that fits your needs :) Theya re also getting better with low-light / higher ISO's as well. I am looking at the Canon S90 & the G12 :)
Have fun in your travels & be safe,

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December 22, 2011


Monnie Ryan
  My husband Jack (also a BP member) has the G12 and I have a G10. Both outstanding relatively small cameras.

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December 22, 2011

- Irene Colling

BetterPhoto Member
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Irene Colling

Monnie, can you describe the G10 & 12? How they differ, what you like abou them.

I've been wanting to get a different compact camera to use when it is not practical to carry my Cannon 40D.

I have purchased, and then given away three different cameras because the photo quality seems lacking. The noise levels and color acuracy are not good.

My very first digital camera was only 3mp but it took very good pictures. It used a compact flash card just like my 40D instead of the tiny flash memory that P&S cameras use now.

Are there any little cameras that use the compact flash card? Thats what I want to find again.

Photo taken with my old 3mp camera.

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December 22, 2011

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