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Photography Question 

Donna L. Jones

Blurry Photos

Can someone tell me if bringing the digital photo up to 100% in photo shop shows reliably whether the image is sharp?

Shooting on a tripod, 100 or 200 ISO, 5.6-8.0 for family of 4, Canon 7D, Tamron28-7.5 lense.

I was shooting with a Tamron 18-270 but images starting coming our blurry. Assumed even with IS I shake too much. This time used tripod and smaller,lighter lense.

Could it be my post processing. I always shoot wide to allow room for cropping but sometimes it means cropping quite a bit...could that be it? Sometimes the image prints fairly well even though it looks soft at 100%. I'm using "Focus Magic" to sharp every image...time consuming...
Can anyone give me some guidance? Never had this problem with film but it's happening often lately....

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November 28, 2011


Thom Schoeller
  Without seeing the images, hard to say but you may have answered your own question.

Two things come to mind, first being using the IS mode while using a tripod. Not recomended at all. For handheld use only.

Second, you mentioned shooting wide angle to allow for cropping. WHY? Get close, set the lens for the 60-90 mm and focus on the eyes. Since your shooting digital, your not wasting $$ on slides or film exposures so take more exposures and play with the cropping IN camera.

I think that "may" be your answer. One last simple thing to check is your adjustment for sight (diopter) May be keeping you from finding the perfect focus.
~Best TS

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November 28, 2011


Donna L. Jones
  Thanks Thomas, I think perhaps cropping too much may be it too...I have made the IS mistake but have since realized to turn it off.
I made the mistake years ago of shooting a job too close and when I went to crop the 8x10's it was too close...always afraid of doing that again! Thanks for taking the time to answer!

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November 28, 2011

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