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Photography Question 

Nancy Barnhart

damaged image files

I was quite surprised and extremely saddened yesterday when trying to open a photo. I clicked on the thumbnail and tried to open in windows photo viewer, then again in windows gallery. Neither would work! Then I tried to open one in photoshop and that wouldn't work either.
What could cause this, when at one time these particular photos in this particular folder, DID open?! All I can think of is that they may have come off of an old memory card of mine. This summer I got behind and used up several cards before storing the photos, and ended up using an older card. Could this be the trouble? Please let me know what could cause this and what the solution might be. Hoping like mad there IS a a solution. Thanks very much.

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November 21, 2011

- Carlton Ward

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Carlton Ward
Carlton Ward's Gallery
  Hi Nancy,
Make sure the images have the .jpg - .tif or .CS2 at the end of the file name. I am guessing they wont open because your PC does not know the file association and if thats the case just re-save them and add the .jpg at the end. BUT because you opened them from a thumbnail, I suspect they are correctly associated. Did you try selecting the image from Photoshop from the folder ? Sometimes Windoze has problems for varying reasons as I have heard this from others trying to launch from Windows Viewer.
Check the associated filenames and let us know if this is the problem. You may also search on this discussion board and see if there are similar threads.
I always save my images on 2 external drives and burn a DVD of the raw files because of things like this.
Hope this helps,

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November 21, 2011


Nancy Barnhart
  Carlton, WOW, thanks for responding. I look forward to trying this tomorrow!!!
Appreciate the response very much.


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November 21, 2011

- Carolyn M. Fletcher

BetterPhoto Member
BetterPhoto Crew: Volunteer
Contact Carolyn M. Fletcher
Carolyn M. Fletcher's Gallery
  What does it say when you try to open it? It sometimes will give you a reason it can't open a file.

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November 22, 2011


Nancy Barnhart
  The file names are actually gone. So I will have to rename them like Carlton said.

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November 22, 2011


Lynn R. Powers
Since the photos are on the computer and you have brought them up before the fault defintely is not your cards. As long as you format your cards in the camera, not by deleting all the files or having the computer erase your cards, the cards will be fine. I have never had a card problem providing I made sure everything was downloaded before I took it out of the card reader.
Using a card reader is the fastest and safest way to download into the computer. If you are using the cards in more than one camera make sure that it is reformatted for the camera that it is going into. Do not take the card from one camera and put it into the other camera before it has been downloaded.

As far as retrieving what is supposedly in the computer I am too computer ignernt to help you there.


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November 23, 2011


Nancy Barnhart
  Thanks for your input Lynn. I am relieved that it's not my cards. Yes I do format them.

Thanks again and Happy Thanksgiving.


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November 23, 2011

- Carlton Ward

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Carlton Ward
Carlton Ward's Gallery
  Hi Nancy,
Have you tried renaming the images and opening them again ? I am curious if this takes care of the problem :)

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November 23, 2011


Nancy Barnhart
  Carlton, thanks for checking back. I have not tried it yet. Unfortunately other things got it the way and now we have company. I will definitely let you know how it goes.

Appreciate you help.


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November 23, 2011


Nancy Barnhart
  It worked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank-you so much Carlton!


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November 25, 2011


Nancy Barnhart
  Here is what's interesting though. I renamed several files then discovered all the rest of them in the folder WOULD open now. Anyone know what might have caused the problem, and why it would just be temporary?!


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November 25, 2011

- Carlton Ward

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Carlton Ward
Carlton Ward's Gallery
  Hi Nancy,
I am so happy that worked and I have no idea what your machine is doing ???
I am wondering how the file associations became separated in the 1st place. You may have inadvertently saved over them without the extension but at least is easy to re-associate them by simply adding the .jpg .tif or .CR2 or .NEF to the end.
Again, I will tell you to get backup hard drives and save everything to 3 sources (2 hard drives and raw files on DVD) because I have had the misfortune of losing images over the years because of drive or computer failures. I lost an entire weekends shoot at the 2006 Northwest String Summit because I had downloaded the images to my PC laptop and then erased the cards to keep shooting and the next day my laptop hard drive failed taking the over 1000 images with it. I was just about to plug in an external drive to back them up when this happened. I spent $300+ to get the images back and the tech only retrieved 7 photos.
In 2002 I lost over 500 images from another drive failure. I also keep a book of raw files on DVD at a photographer friends house and I have a book of his at my house as well in case of fire - we have each other covered :)
Love in Light,

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November 27, 2011

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