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Photography Question 

Michelle L. Frick

October 2011 Finalist/Winner Countdown Thread

Oh my, oh my, almost time (in the states at least) for pumpkin pie! I am having a hard time believing it's holiday time already. Before we know it, we're going to be celebrating 2012. Of course, here in Texas, it's hard to feel very holiday-ish when it is still 84 degrees. Crazy weather!

So, while we wait for the judges to make their choices, pick your favorites and see what others choose too. Grab some of that Halloween chocolate and your favorite thing to drink. Good luck everyone!!!

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3) If you HAVE ALREADY entered the Contest today before replying to this thread, you can't use the Photo ID method today. You can either wait until tomorrow to reply here (before your new Contest entry!) or, upload a new copy of the particular image (from your PC) into this thread. This produces a duplicate image in your Member Center; however, you don't have to make that duplicate visible in your Gallery.
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Good luck everyone!!!

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November 15, 2011 - Chris Budny

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Chris Budny
Chris Budny's Gallery
  ...someone at work brought in an "Upside Down Pumpkin Pie" yesterday---oh boy, was it good!! :) Will post a favorite tomorrow...

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November 15, 2011


Kara L. Hendricks
  I entered today alreay... will try to remember tomorrow... Thanks Shell for doing this every month without fail!

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November 15, 2011


Michelle L. Frick
  Chris and Kara, I can't wait to see your choices. And someone really should hide this Halloween candy from me quickly!

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November 15, 2011


Michelle L. Frick
Okay, so I have not even been close with my favorites the last couple of months...let's see how I do this time. This one just makes me all warm and fuzzy inside. Yes, I am sappy, and yes, I wish I could make my babies smaller again!!

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November 15, 2011 - Chris Budny

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Chris Budny
Chris Budny's Gallery Photo Contest SECOND PLACE Winner   Cherry Compote II
Cherry Compote II
I couldn't resist a complete re-shoot of this setup; while I loved the first version, I didn't use a light tent, and wasn't keen on the reflected highlights.
So the reshoot is in the tent, daytime (vs. night) for more natural light, and a square crop vs. a 5x7. I like this one better already!
10/2011 EOD 2nd Place
The glass cherry rests in a chalice of turned ebony and tagua nut (aka vegetable ivory.) The chalice stands 1-3/4" tall. I've had a set of 5
of the cherries forever, and just picked up the chalice at a small-town festival in MA last weekend, made by a wonderful wood turner,
William Cudnohufsky, who specializes in tagua nut. I put the two together once home, and instantly thought I needed to try a photograph.
I used black foamboard at the back, and a big sheet of white paper, letting one edge curl up onto the foamboard,
and then carefully repositioned things until the b/w "seam" bisected the chalice where I wanted it to.

Chris Budny

This is always such a hard thing, to pick a single fav! ;) I assume we all love the entries we make (else, why enter them?) So, I always seem to have a top two or three when the time comes to post here, rather than just one! But, I guess this one is a teensy bit ahead of the others, so I'll go with it.

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November 16, 2011

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