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Category: New Answers

Photography Question - Wendy Wyatt

BetterPhoto Member
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Changing names

Can I change my website name when I renew my website without an extra charge?

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November 06, 2011


Melody Hauf
  Hi Wendy,
Yes, you can change your domain name for your website when you renew. If you would like for us to register a new domain name for your site, you must let us know the available domain name prior to renewing or clearly state it in your order. Then we can make the switch instead of renewing your domain name that you do not want.

Please put the new available domain name (check that the name is available either on our site or on a registration site) in the "additional comments" field at the payment window.

If you want to change your domain name at any other time, or after a renewal, there is a domain name change fee as described on this page:

If you already own the domain name, you can let us know the domain name at any time and we can make the switch for you.

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November 07, 2011

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