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Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Modify picture to get rid of dark cirlces

Hello All
I have a picture of a friends face where the person has dark circles under the eyes and spots on her face. I am writing to modify the picture in Photoshop to get rid of these so that it has as a studio feeling to it i.e. it was taken in the studio, bt unfortunately I have tried a number of times but can't get it to look natural when printed.

Please can you help as the picture means a lot to my friends.


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March 22, 2004


Cathie Docherty
  Hi Hasnain,
I don't know if this is still an issue for you or not since it was back in march, but I thought this might help for "next time"...
First copy your photo layer and work only on the copy. Enlarge the eye area you will be working on so it fills most of the screen. Select the rubberstamp tool, changing the opacity to 25-30%, and deselect the "aligned" checkbox. Make sure your stamp is about half the height of the area you'll be working on and FEATHERED. Then, using the rubber stamp, select an area to pull color from that is right near the darker area and use single clicks to cover the dark circles (do NOT click and drag or it will be unnatural looking), nudging it slightly across before clicking again. Go over the whole dark area once before repeating in any one spot. You may have to select a different area to pull from when you move toward the far side of the eye so that it blends with that side. Most important is BE PATIENT and do not overdue it. If you completely remove all trace, you may change the natural contour of the face as well, but you can at least diminish the shadows so they are not distracting.
Hope this helps!

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July 08, 2004


Sheryl L. Bowman
  Use the technique as described above, but change the mode from normal to "lighten" and at a low opacity. Build up the correction gradually. The best resource I've found for retouching is Katrin Eismann's excellent book, Restoration & Retouching.

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August 06, 2004

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