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Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 

Sarah cordes

How to Take Pictures of Horses

I love horses and photography, and this summer I want to take pictures of horses and people riding. I am about to get my first good camera, and I was wondering if anyone knew about special ways to take pictures of horses in action. I find it extremely difficult to catch the movement. Thanks.

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March 19, 2004


Buddy Purugganan
  Sarah, animals are absolutely a joy to photograph. You can simply take photos (with autofocus cameras) by putting the shutter speed on a high number (1/250, 1/500, etc.) or shutter speed priority to FREEZE the action when you see the steed galloping. Or if you feel you want a simple portrait, adjust the mode to its "portrait" mode while in AF setting and take a relaxed shot.

A fast film (ISO 400) with a low aperture on your AF camera - switched to "manual" override - can do wonders to your action pics. Most AF cameras have a "sports" mode that also have multi-exposure functions that can shoot 3 frames or MORE per second when using AF. So ENJOY and have a good time!

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March 19, 2004

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  If these are jumpers, then if you can, try and shoot in the arena to fill most of the frame with the horse and rider. A simple way is to shoot with the horse coming at you and you on the opposite side of the jump.

You can prefocus or follow-focus and time the picture when the front legs come up and clear the jump. If you prefocus, focus a couple of feet away from the jump (the side the horse lands on), because at the point the horse has its legs up and clears the jump, the horse's face and the rider's face will be a couple of feet ahead of the rails of the jump.

With pictures of people riding, you can try different shutter speeds and practice panning with slow shutter speeds.

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March 19, 2004


Cookie Serletic
f-8, 1/500, sigma100-300,, 9;am

Cookie Serletic

Horses are wonderful and they are the main things I shoot. remeber for portraits of horses, you want to have a long enough focal lenghth. I usually shoot with my 70-200 lens but on the digital can get away with the 80mm . if the position is right. dont shoot face on (you really get "Big head syndrome" unless your really have a good vantage point. for action, the best are usually moments of suspension, but any shot can be a GREAT shot.(my big thing is "ears UP") , all Breeds have slightly different standards. All people enjoy something different , so Play and find your own syle. to get Ideas take a look at some equine photo sites, just do a search, there are TONS to get ideas from. check out equine photogrhahers network. :) yes , I am a member . Good Luck and Happy Snappin'
~ Cookie

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March 23, 2004

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