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Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 

Virgil Knapp

Exposure problem in extreme lighting condiditons

I'm having a hard time shooting in some extreme lighting conditions. I shhot alot of action sports photography. If I shoot a rider jumping through the air on a bike, and it is a bright sunny day out, my subect is showing up as just a sillouhette in the shot. I'm usung TV mode with automatci focus. I can seem to compose the shot perfect but my exsposures seem to be off alot whenever I shoot towards the sky when it sunny.

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March 16, 2004


John Wright
  As a starting point, you may want to get some info on the "FIG" rule (also known as the Sunny 16 rule). Basically, it's an exposure setting for objects photographed with full sun light as the light source. You would set your camera at f16 and your shutter to the speed closest to the ISO of the film you are using. To give an example, if you are using 400 speed film (and shooting it at 400 or have your digi camera set to use ISO 400) your settings would be f16@1/400 (or the closest setting you have) assuming your subjects are in full sun.

I hope that helps... Good luck!

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March 16, 2004


Jon Close
  The meter is seeing mostly sky (the biker is a small portion of the scene), so it is correctly exposing the sky but leaving the cyclist in sillouhette. This is a typical "backlit" situation that you, the photographer, have to recognize because the camera can't. Correct for it by adding +1 or +2 exposure compensation, or using fill-flash.

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March 16, 2004


Bob Cammarata
  If possible, you could try re-positioning your angle so that the sun is at your back.

In that position, the exposure value of the cyclist will be closer to that of the distant sky, and will be less likely to cause your subject to silhouette.

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March 16, 2004

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